Happy Women’s Day!

Happy Women’s Day ! Today we celebrate, honour and recognize the achievements of inspirational women.

This year theme ‘Accelerate Action calls to promote  and advocate for gender equality. UN Women theme “For ALL women and girls. Rights, Equality and Empowerment”; as they mark 30th anniversary- this action calls to empower and create priorities and develop a serious solutions.

So much more needs to be done for Women and girls!   Ending violence against women, creating equal and deserving opportunities, and providing them their rights that they are still fighting and giving them an opportunity to lead a dignified life.  

On International Women’s Day WTG celebrates and recognizes achievements and history of struggles women faced along with their contributions and, we pledge to create opportunities, raise awareness towards women rights and equality with our partners and supporters.

Women That Give(WTG) is dedicated to break down barriers and prevent violence against women and build safer communities.  WTG provides resources, financial aid, education and training to marginalized women and women survivors of GBV and create opportunities for them to become independent and earn economic security.  Our mission is to end violence against women and girls, support women find employment, pursue education, and access resources, including those in shelters.  

To all the Women who have been in our programs, and those who have reached out to us for support.  We thank you for your trust.  WTG celebrates your spirit, and your success, and your will power to overcome challenges to seek a better life. We thank our partners, donors, team and everyone who believes in our work. We also thank the men who have been so supportive of our work.


Join our Call to Actions ;  sponsor/partner with us to enhance lives, and livelihoods of the marginalized women, women in need and women survivors of GBV; increase  partnerships and investment funding for program advancement and outreach expansion. Together we can build a safe future and uplift women from poverty and, work towards achieving economic security.

Take actions with us; 

    • End Gender Based Violence: Advocate for stricter laws to be implemented. Ensure protection for survivors. Call for partnerships and Investments. Increase financial support for groups and orgs working towards ending gender based violence for women and girls.
    • Language Barriers: Increase integration into workplace/job market by having better translation services/ or providing training language tutors. This is barrier, limits their entry into jobs. Refugees and new comers face this challenge while navigating the new environments and systems.
    • Wage:  Women still don’t have similar pay scale as males, take action call out on employers, businesses to address wage discrimination and stipulate policies for equal pay to be in place.
    • Provide women support for Leadership: Encourage participation of women in different areas to develop leadership skills,through mentorships and specific programs to elevate them.
    • Access to Education: Till today women and girls are not getting the education they deserve. Poverty and other socio economic factors lead them to quit school/look for precarious work/early marriage etc. Funded education and skilled training can increase chances to get employed and be independent. Call for action for investments into programs.
    • Workplace safety: Safe and effective policies for protection and preventing harm and discrimination must be in place. Employers must receive training and have policies stipulated.
    • Financial education: Financial literacy is very important for women and senior women for protection from fraud. Organizations should be providing this to new comers especially,to help them navigate the financial systems and protect seniors from financial fraud.
    • Invite government to partner and provide sustainable funding to organizations and groups that are working towards ending VAW and providing economic opportunities to women.
Celebrate the inspirational women and extend your hand to enable others to make it too. Today presents a great opportunity for everyone to come together, participate, lead, raise awareness. Support those who are working towards ending violence against women locally and globally in any way you can.
Happy International Women’s Day.

16 Days – Human Rights Day

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Concludes today on Human Rights Day!

An international campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence ends today. The purpose of this campaign is to encourage people to reflect, learn, and take action in order to eliminate violence against women.

Collective action, collaboration, partnerships, public education and right strategies are so important in ending the epidemic-GBV against women and girls. WTG participates and joins all as a collective voice, pushing collective efforts to turn the 16 days to 365. Invest, Fund, Support and Collaborate with Orgs/Agencies working towards giving marginalized women a dignified life.

Today on Human Rights Day, WTG stands with all who are rallying for equality, dignity and  freedom. Join all who are doing important work for marginalized women and disadvantaged children in our communities.

National Day Of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women

Dec 6th, is observed as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, we remember the women who lost their lives in the École Polytechnique massacre. On this day, honour these women’s memories and reflect on how gender-based violence affects women today.

Take Action, support the organizations or groups working towards ending violence against women and girls. Issue calls to action, call for accountability from decision makers. Donate, Make a commitment, Fund and Invest.  


Very Grateful For The Support

Thank you to our partners and donors for supporting our mission.  A very special mention to African Aid International for their continued support for WTG’s women’s program. The donations WTG receives from AAI, makes a  huge difference in the lives of the women we serve.

We’d like to thank Wayfair for supporting our Mother’s day fundraiser.

Very thankful to the kind individuals namely Rebeca Jaimes, Audrey Rosas, Jose Bandala, Vera Castro, @valyrianwitch for raising donations for expectant mothers.  Thank you for the beautiful gifts for their baby.

Gender Equality Week

Gender Equality Week September 17th to 23rd.

Canada introduced gender equality week in 2018 which takes place from September 17 to 23. Gender equality cannot be achieved unless women are provided an opportunity to live a dignified life and more work needs to be done. WTG has so many women who need assistance with employment, rent support, housing, and feeding their children and families.

We invite you to get involved, make a pledge, and support your local community. Support organizations that are assisting women facing hardships and challenges with poverty by making a donation and funding them.  Support women get employment, get decent housing. Single mothers, marginalized women are facing hardships to support their children, to pay bills, pay rent, purchase food, clothing, and basic necessities. Women survivors of GBV have little to nothing when they leave their abusive homes/surroundings. You can start at home by changing a life of one woman.  Thanks to all the men who are already committed to gender equality.

Donate today to support WTG’s programs. Link

#genderEquality #NoMoreTalking #ActionTime #Fund