
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"  - Winston Churchill

Join our Culture of Kindness - one Act at a time

Your support will help us continue our efforts to help rebuild the lives of marginalized women and keep giving back to our communities. Please support our efforts


All our programs and support services are provided free to our community members.

Children's Program
Financial Aid Program
Women's Capacity Building Program
Volunteer Program
Seniors Program
Community Program
Referral Service

Social Change

Driving Change with Acts Of Kindness & By Giving Back!





Our programs and services are provided free to women survivors of gender based violence, women in need, disadvantaged kids, and marginalized members in our communities.

Youth Testimonials

Jemma Adamo

Women That Give is an amazing organization full of passionate and hard-working women. The work they do is to give back to the community is outstanding.”  

Sarah Thompson

My position at Women That Give was the first job I've had in my field (as a soon-to-be psychology program graduate). The experience I was able to gain has been amazing for my career development and has given me an idea of what kind of career path I would like to take. Most importantly, the women I was able to support in this short time showed me the value of the work I will be doing throughout my life. I am forever grateful for the opportunity I was given to work with a wonderful organization that fills the existing gaps in traditional social support systems.

Kelsey Lai

“As a summer student working for Women That Give, I have worked with an amazing group of women who are dedicated to helping women & children in need and am excited to see the charity continue to grow.”

Alina Arloo

“Volunteering at WTG has been a wonderful experience. I have gained valuable skills that will benefit me in my future career, while empowering women and learning more about the obstacles women face in our community.”

Megan Chan

“Volunteer community is wonderful at WTG. Everyone is cheerful and expecting great things to happen out of WTG, which is exactly the attitude we should all have in order to create change.”

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