Thank you Wayfair Canada

Women That Give is so thankful to our new corporate partner Wayfair Canada. Thank you so much for your generous donations to support our programs. These gifts mean so much to us and the communities we serve.

We invite other corporations to consider donating and supporting our programs.  Partner with us and help us rebuild lives. Contact us at

Wayfair DonationsWayfair Donations

Generation Equality Forum

Women That Give had the honor of attending the Generation Equality Forum on Gender-based Violence this week.  At the forum, we learned of the growing seriousness of gender-based violence due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the forum says, “the rights of women and girls must be guaranteed in all circumstances” and with the confined circumstances of the pandemic, this is increasingly harder to execute.  But not all hope is lost.  WTG works towards supporting the women survivors and creating a better community for these women and children. You can support these women, too.  Read and donate to our COVID Relief Fund.  Happy Easter everyone!

#GivingBack #Charity#TogetherWeCan #CovidSupport #makeAdifference #EndVAW