Abstract Art Workshop

Abstract Art Workshop

Another successful Workshop! 👏🙌🙌Proud and happy to share the stunning creations, abstract paintings done by our fellow women. Thank you Fawzia for leading another awesome workshop ❤️

#WomenThatGive  #Abstract #Art #Workshop #Charity #GivingBack  #GenderEquality #positive #goals  #Hamilton  #SharingHappiness  #TogetherWeCan #AwesomeWomenMakingADifference

Yoga- Wellness Workshop

YAY 🙌🙌 Another successful wellness workshop conducted by our super talented team mate. Thank you Shobha Shekhar for this awesome Yoga – Wellness workshop! ❤️

#Thankful #Yoga #Wellness #Fun #Workshop #Charity #GivingBack  #GenderEquality #positive #goals  #Hamilton

Yoga - Wellness workshop conducted by our super talented team mate Shobha Shekhar!

Huge Thanks!!!

Workshops for Women In Distress

Huge gratitude to the kind Donors, our Heroes, who supported our Crowd Funding Campaign. ❤️🙏
WTG team is very proud and thankful,  for their support to help us get funded for one workshop to help the women in shelter homes. 🙌

#Thankyou #MakingADifference #Together #Workshops #Charity #Education  #EconomicEmpowerment #EndVAW  #GenderEquality

Crowd Funding Campaign

Team Meeting

Another fabulous #WTG team meeting 🙌🙌 We can’t wait to share all the exciting things we’ve been working on! ❤️✨

#awesome #womenthatgive  #positive #Goals #GenderEquality#GivingBack #Toronto #endVAW #BeTheChange #Canada #Charity #MakingAdifference #EmpoweringWomen

Women That Give Team Meeting