2nd Annual Winter Drive

Yay! Successful 2nd Annual Winter Drive  👏 Three cheers #WTG team. Stoked & thankful at the generosity of the kind individuals who helped us in our drive to share the warmth and bring smiles, this holiday season to Home First and Youth Winning Youth.  Closing 2017 with our last act of kindness.

#GivingBack#Christmas2017 #ChristmasBeforeChristmas #Community #Toronto #RebuildingLives #AwesomeWomenMakingADifference


2nd Annual Winter Drive 2017 2nd Annual Winter Drive 2017

2nd Annual Winter Drive 2017 Home First2nd Annual Winter Drive 2017 Youth Winning Youth



WTG joined the memorial service with IH Hamilton and City of Markham to pay tribute to the 14 young women who lost their lives for being women. #National Day of Remembrance #6thDec #28Anniversary #Markham and #Hamilton  #16DaysOfActivisim #EndGenderedViolence #Unity #Equity


Humbled and a Huge gratitude to RDR(Regional Diversity Roundtable) for the honour and the work the #WTG is doing to build resilient communities. We at WTG are so proud to be recognized among the amazing individuals, who are continuously striving hard to make a difference in the lives of others. “Only together we can make a difference”

Thank you so much Varsha Naik, Nafeesa Jalal and your  team for giving WTG the recognition.  #TogetherWeCan #KindnessMatters #GivingBack #PeelRegion #Peel150 & #Ontario150


Hip hip hurrah👏 #WTG. Another successful tech-workshop by Fawzia. Thankful for the opportunity to give back and continue to make a difference#WomenThatGive.

#TogetherWeCan #MakeADifference #Givingback #Dignity #Positive #Goals #Workshop #Skills #Wearabletech #Thankful #Awesome #Womenthatgive #kindnessmatters