Ending Gender-Based Violence

Ending Gender-Based Violence

Last week, some of our WTG volunteer members had the honour of attending the Generation Equality Forum Paris. We learned of the growing seriousness of gender-based violence, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the 5-year roadmap to achieve gender equality and ending GBV.

Violence against women is an emergency issue that needs to be addressed with various resources, laws, and political will to end.
The EU has committed 85% of the funds towards gender equality & women’s empowerment by 2025 to make it a reality for women and children. In Canada, the government is committed to providing 110 million to invest in a care system to benefit women and girls.

These resources and collaborations are necessary to end Gender-Based Violence and enforce equality. Let’s continue to do our part in creating this gender utopia in our daily lives.  Learn about our programs here:  https://womenthatgive.ca/programs

#GivingBack #Charity #TogetherWeCan #CovidSupport #makeAdifference #EndVAW

Thank you for supporting our Virtual Garage Sale

Thank you for supporting our Virtual Garage Sale

Today concludes our Virtual Garage Sale! We are so grateful to everyone who participated in our fundraiser. Your contributions and support means so much to us and the communities we serve.  

We are especially thankful to Giveshop. Their fairly new platform takes a common activity – selling items online – and transforms it into something to be used to make change by donating to charities. This gives everyone another way to donate! Although our official fundraiser is over, you can still donate to WTG through Giveshop, year-round. Continue buying and selling items through the platform, and tell your friends and family about it! Every donation makes a difference. 

Enjoy your weekend!

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day is coming up! 

We want to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. While this day is meant to celebrate you, we encourage you to think about the women in your lives. Many women face violence and discrimination on a regular basis. 

While WTG aims to empower women in our community, we need EVERYONE involved to make progress. You can make a difference today by participating in our Virtual Garage Sale. Donate gently used items to be exchanged for monetary donations through Giveshop, or buy an item that has been posted! You can also donate directly through our website.  


Support Our Virtual Garage Sale Fundraiser 

The pandemic has brought numerous challenges into our world. We have encountered a new social and economic landscape, and each individual is affected in a different way. Unfortunately, the pandemic has heavily impacted women survivors, many of whom are now in inescapable violent situations. Our Covid-19 Relief Support program aims to help these women survivors with or without children by providing PPE, sanitizers, and other useful items. We rely on corporate partners and individual donations to give as much as we can to these women during these trying times. To support these women, WTG is hosting a Virtual Garage Sale fundraiser from May 25th – June 25th. Sell/or Donate your gently used items through the Giveshop platform, the profits will go to our beneficiary, Interval House of Hamilton.

To learn about corporate partnership, email us at womenthatgive@gmail.com


Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day 🌹

This weekend is a special time to appreciate mothers and all the hard work that they do. We are thankful for all of the care, love, and dedication each mother gives, along with their endless contributions to our communities.

This Mother’s Day, we ask you to think about women survivors and their children. Many of these families are facing numerous challenges that have only been worsened during the pandemic. That is why we started the Covid-19 Relief Support program. You can make a survivor’s Mother’s Day very special by making a donation today. 

pic credit: pexels-amina-filkins-5414050

#GivingBack #Charity #TogetherWeCan #makeAdifference #rebuildlives #EndVAW  #WomenThatGive #WTG #Canada #corporatepartners #donatetoday #gratitude #thankyou #mothersday #supportsurvivors