Financial Aid program

WTG’s  Financial Aid Program provides direct support with bill payments for women facing financial challenges due to unemployment, sickness, unaffordability, and poverty.

The program helps ease their financial burden and provides them assistance with their utility bills, house taxes, rentals, and emergency relocation support. The program helps support marginalized women, single mothers, and women survivors of gender-based violence.

We are inviting partners, and donors to become the program sponsor. You can provide yearly donations to support the program or make a monthly donation to provide support for rental/housing assistance for a woman with or without children by contributing $15,000/year as a sponsor for one woman with one child residing at 1 bedroom apartment.

A contribution of $3000/ month to support a family of 5 residing in a rental unit of 3 bedrooms.

Donations can be made by interac e-transfer to or  Scan the QR code to donate and support marginalized women facing hardships with bill payments.


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