About Us

“Women that Give”  (WTG) - a Registered Charity, run by women Entrepreneurs and Professionals Volunteers, with a mandate: To advance education by providing employability and entrepreneurial skills, training, workshops, and seminars to women in need, including women residing in shelters. To relieve poverty by providing basic necessities of life, including food and clothing, to people in need. 

WTG was founded in 2016. Registered in 2017. Charitable Registration granted in 2019.

Our Vision

To end all forms of violence against women and remove barriers to education for women and young girls. Providing women with fulfilling careers and sustained optimal mental, physical, and sexual health.

Our Mission

Driving change by empowering women, providing access to  education, resources and tools to maintain their mental, physical health and build economic self-sufficiency.

Facts & Findings

Canada has come a long way in women’s equality and rights. Today, 48% of teens think that men should be responsible for earning income and providing for family, and 17% of teens still believe that men have the final word on family decisions (Plan Canada, 2011). The key issues faced by girls in Canada are violence, barriers to education and career prospects , mental health issues . Each of these areas affects a girl’s life well into adulthood.


Violence can take many forms in a girl’s life. Young girls are more likely than boys to face violence at home in the form of physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect (Sinha, 2013). Violence in schools can result from sexual harassment, bullying, racism, and homophobia. 13% of Grade 10 girls surveyed in Canada reported racial overtones while 8% reported bullying related to their religion (Freeman et al. 2011). Violence in dating has been reported at 43% among Quebec teen girls, experiencing emotional, physical or sexual abuse by their boyfriends. In 2011, there were approximately 97,500 victims of intimate partner violence, representing a rate of 341 victims per 100,000 women (Sinha 2013). Sexual exploitation and trafficking especially within the indigenous communities is on the rise as well.

Education and Career Prospects

Education is a key part of a girl’s development and can help her make better decisions and lead a financially fulfilling life. Without an education, women are at a much higher risk of exploitation and hardships. Fortunately, Canada has made many strides in improving the proportion of women aged 25-54 who had not earned a high school diploma from 26% down to 9%, since 1990 (CMHA, 2018). Although education levels have improved for women, almost par to men, women who drop-out of high school still have a harder time finding jobs than men. Within the working world women often face discrimination in the form of harassment, unequal pay, preference etc, making it that much harder to become more financially independent.

Mental Health

Low confidence and self-esteem sprouts a host of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and distress, leading into adolescence and eventually adulthood. A survey of students in Grade 6 found 50% of boys and 40% of girls strongly agreed they had self-confidence, fast forward to Grade 10, the numbers dropped to 26% for boys and 18% for girls (Ibid, 18). Social inequality has damaging consequences for the mental and emotional well-being of women. This can manifest itself in the form of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, eating disorders, grieving, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, stress etc (CMHA, 2018). Youth aged 15 t0 24 are more likely to experience mental illness and/or substance use disorders than any other age group. Canadians in the lowest income group are 3 to 4 times more likely to have a mental illness. More than 75% of suicides involve men, but women attempt suicide 3 to 4 times more often (CMHA, 2018).

WOMEN THAT GIVE (WTG) is a REGISTERED NON PROFIT CHARITY organization formed to eliminate all these barriers keeping women from achieving their life long goals.

WTG's Principle Values

● Maintaining privacy and confidentiality.

● Empowering rather than supporting.

● Promoting an anti-stigma environment with respect for diverse communities regardless of race, gender, income, sexual orientation, etc.


Engaging community leaders, politicians, educators, and citizens to create awareness and, provide empowering resources and tools for women.

WTG's Goals and Objectives

1. Raising funds through community engagement activities.

a. Holding fundraising events annually.

b. Encouraging communities to donate online via monthly/one-time donations.

c. Approaching small and large businesses for sponsorships.

2. Collaborating with community leaders and policymakers to further propel our mission.

a. Promoting women’s social causes within the house of commons by informing members of parliament.

b. Collaborating with policymakers, women’s issues-based not for profits,  all across Ontario and Canada.

3. Collaborating with community members and local organizations;

a. Creating membership accounts and updating members on recent achievements and upcoming events.

b. Partnering with local organizations to achieve fundraising and awareness goals.

4. Providing training and support services for women in need and women survivors.

a. Conducting workshops on mental, physical, and sexual health.

b. Seminars to teach employable skills and entrepreneurship.

c. Support services catered to finding employment, education, and other social support services.


Increased level of confidence, economic self-sufficiency, employable skills, and ability to better negotiate physical and sexual health choices. A drop in family and domestic violence and a harmonious balance of work and life.


CMHA (2018) Mental Illness and Addiction: Facts and Statistics. Available at:

https://www.camh.ca/en/driving-change/the-crisis-is-real/mental-health-statistics (Accessed: 10 July 2018)

Plan Canada (2011) Available at:


(Accessed: 11 July 2018)

Sinha (2012)

Freeman J.G., (2011) The Health of Canada’s Young People: A Mental Health Focus. Ottawa, ON:

Public Health Agency of Canada

Sinha, M. (2013). Measuring violence against women: Statistical trends. Component of Statistics

Canada catalogue no. 85-002-X Juristat . Available

at: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2013001/article/11766-eng.pdf