Back To School Program

Back To School Program

Back to school is an important event for children as they start the new school term.  However many children in our communities are not able to afford back-to-school supplies. WTG receives requests from single mothers and marginalized women to help their children with school supplies and clothing.
We require items such as backpacks, lunch boxes, pencil sets, notebooks, and clothing for children ages 5 yrs – 16yrs.

The campaign runs from Aug 15th – Aug 31st.  If you are donating in-kind gifts our volunteers can pick up the donations or you can drop them off at our location.

If you are making a monetary gift please send the donation via Interac e-transfer to Please select the number associated with the gift you are contributing. All-size donations are welcome, and you can choose the gifts from the list below.

Gift 1) $100 provides clothing,  stationery, and a backpack for one child.

Gift 2) $500 provides clothing,  stationery, and a backpack for five children.

Gift 3) $1000 provides clothing,  stationery, and a backpack for ten children.

Help a child start the school year like their peers.